Karmic Cycles: How To Tell If You Are Repeating Karmic Cycles And How To Break Them

Reconditioning The Soul
7 min readJun 23, 2023


Photo by Polina Kondrashova on Unsplash

I know that telling the difference between a karmic relationship and a healthy relationship seems like a piece of cake but in reality, it can be more difficult than you can imagine. You always hear people say “trust your intuition” and “pay attention to the red flags” but even the best of us miss the signs that you would think are visible to the naked eye.

I don’t know how many times I have looked back on a situation or a relationship later in life and wondered “what the hell was I thinking?” Even when I got advice from friends or family, I still didn’t see it from their perspective until I had enough or I finally opened my eyes to what the situation really was.

When we are in the moment, it’s hard to pick up on the signs, and at times, we feel like letting go will hurt us more or we are sparing someone else’s feelings. This causes us to settle even though we know that we deserve better. Other times we are oblivious to someone else’s motives which makes cycles even harder to break.

A Karmic relationship is sent to you to teach you a lesson, help you heal deep inner-child wounds, or to balance out your karma from a past life. A karmic can be family, friends, co-workers, romantic relationships, or even random people. Yes, I believe that karmic soulmates are real! If you get a tarot reading and it says they are your soulmate, that could mean that they are a karmic soulmate so use your discernment (blog on karmic soulmates coming soon!).

Do you ever wonder why you keep attracting people that end up displaying the same qualities as someone that you’ve had to cut off in the past? That is because there is a lesson there that needs to be learned before you will attract better or there will be a change in the relationship dynamics or environment.

Let me give you some examples:

  • You didn’t want to be considered an outcast in school so you masked your true personality to fit in. When you are around the friends you made, they don’t accept you for who you are so when you go home, you start to feel empty and alone. Even as an adult, you can’t seem to find the right people to be in your circle. The lesson here is to learn to be true to who you are no matter what anyone thinks of you. Unmasking your authenticity will help you attract people that are more aligned with you. Until that happens, you will keep attracting energies that don’t fully appreciate you and that might make you feel worse about yourself.
  • You have abandonment issues that stem from childhood. When you get into romantic relationships, you find that you attract partners that are emotionally unavailable and unstable. Until you work through your inner-child wounds, an emotionally unavailable partner (even friendships) will keep coming in different forms because you continue to fear abandonment instead of setting boundaries and knowing that you deserve better than those types of relationships. It will take forgiveness of the past and self-love healing (I went through this and it has been a long journey).
  • You have been working in a career field that you’re not passionate about and just working in this field for material gain. You find yourself quitting jobs fast because you don’t like the work environment yet, you stay in the same field. The lesson here is that your intentions are materially based and not passionate and fulfilling. The environment might seem good at first until you realize that you are not annoyed just by the environment but with the actual job. Following your soul path, passions, and life purpose will help you eliminate that unfulfilled feeling.
  • Your family has strong opinions that you don’t agree with and are controlling when it comes to how you live your life. You wanted to go to art school but they wanted you to be a lawyer and would tell you that you will never make money and that it’s just a “passion project.” You go to law school, pass the bar, and now you’re a lawyer. You hate it and they love it because of status. You are painting for an art studio and you want to quit being a lawyer and work at the art studio full-time. You know your parents will disown you if you do this so you give up on art and keep focusing on your current job. This situation is helping you to learn how to stand up to authority figures (yes, even parents because you are an adult and there are childhood wounds that make you feel that you can’t speak up for yourself and live your own life). What you want to do matters because it is your life to live. The lesson is to do what you are passionate about even though the people that you love don’t agree and stay positive that eventually, they will accept you for who you are. (This is a tough one!!).

These karmic lessons are not meant to “hurt” you. They are sent to show you that this cycle is not good for you or even your family and it’s time to break it. Generational curses can also play a part in karma as well (see my generation trauma blog post). Karma is also teaching you how to trust yourself and your own wisdom. Deep down we all have intuition but listening to yourself is up to you.

Once you see that you deserve better than the karmic lessons, you will complete the cycle and the wheels or universal life force energy will turn in your favor as long as you stay positive, take the lesson for what it is, and do not wish any harm or evil against the person or situation (this could make karma come back around on you). The longer you hold on to the situation, the longer you block your blessings. In a world full of negativity, the ego makes this hard to comprehend.

Just like the Law Of Attraction says, you attract people and situations into your life that are on the same vibrational frequency as you. What many of us don’t realize is that fear, hate, drama, guilt, depression/anxiety, pessimism, gossip, jealousy, negative thoughts, etc are all considered low vibrational frequencies. Trust, love, optimism, positive thoughts, helping/healing others, and just flat-out believing in ourselves and in our hopes and dreams are considered high vibrational frequencies.

Basically, you attract the energy that you are putting out so negativity attracts negativity, and positivity attracts positivity. Opposites attract as well, but usually, when this happens, there is a lesson there or your positivity is supposed to help or heal this person in some aspect of their life.

The power to attract and manifest better circumstances is all up to you, your intentions, and your mindset. If it feels like you are constantly stuck, there is something low vibrational that either needs to be healed within or someone in your energy (environment) needs to be removed and is stopping you from moving forward in a more positive direction.

Being a cycle breaker is extremely difficult and takes a lot of inner healing first to gain the strength and confidence to go against the grain. Since we were kids, we were taught to follow the leader which continuously takes away from our personal power. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different and we have to stop allowing people to make us feel like there is.

Every time we allow someone to make us feel bad for being ourselves, we are giving our power away inch by inch until eventually our energy and self-esteem become depleted. The more depleted your energy is, the more difficult it becomes to see your own worth and value. Now that light that you once had turned into darkness. I say all of this to say “don’t dim your light for anyone.” In the words of Rihanna “Shine bright like a diamond.”

Now, remember where I mentioned what low vibrational energy is? Well, that is the darkness. Why are so many people in negative energy or the darkness? Because they lost the light within themselves and are struggling to relight it. Just like in the movie “Encanto”, we all have gifts and talents. Even if you don’t think you do, there is something inside you that makes you special. If we all embraced our “gifts”, there would be more light in the world. See where I’m going here?

The most difficult part about shining your light again after it has been dimmed is that you have to work your way through all of the darkness. It’s much easier to stay negative than it is to stay positive. It’s also easier to stay the same and agree with everyone else than it is to change and be true to yourself. Adversity is not fun but completing the cycles will eventually be a lot more rewarding to yourself and others. Breaking family cycles will help your children and other family members avoid a lot of the darkness that your family has experienced for generations.

Illuminate your light and be the one to end the pain cycles. At first, it might seem impossible but as you come out of that dark tunnel into the light, you will understand why the journey to enlightenment was worth it!



Reconditioning The Soul

My blog posts are written to give you the motivation to grow as a person and love yourself for your authenticity and originality.